Emmanuel Mission Public School is a co-educational senior secondary School from Class Nursery to X which is divided into 3 wings viz Primary (Class Nursery to V), Middle (VI to VIII), Senior and Senior Secondary (Class IX to X) sections. The School is secular and does not impart any specific religious instructions.
Emmanuel Mission Public School is proud of its motto “Love, Service and Wisdom’, as its objective is to bring about a balanced and harmonious development of personality of the future citizens of the country and to infuse in them lofty ideals. Everyone works to provide a welcoming, calm, happy and purposeful atmosphere characterized by openness and honesty. Consideration, encouragement of positive role models, respect for others and the environment are our priorities.
Our goal is to raise global citizens through the use of student-centered learning techniques. We support and promote education that cultivates in each student excellence, physical fitness, psychological and spiritual health, a sense of social responsibility, and environmental care. Our children value their Indian culture while also showing respect for cultures from around the world. We support education that teaches students how to live, as well as how to make a living.
The Emmanuel Mission Public School seeks to develop intelligent, sympathetic, and reasonable people who are proudly Indian in nature and who have a humanistic and universal vision. A creative curriculum, given by compassionate teachers, responds to contemporary demands and inspires children to achieve academic and human success. In order to ensure that the young are always given access to the best, the most up-to-date, and the most meaningful in the fields of knowledge and life, the School gives the highest importance to the development of talent & potential at all levels of the faculty and administration.